You may well be saying, “You mean my dog could sulk?” My answer with a smile would be, “Oh my, yes!”
It’s nothing to worry about. Dogs, like humans, are capable of a whole range of emotions. If your dog does, on occasion, sulk over some reprimand or unwanted command, your best response is to ignore the behavior and find the next available opportunity to praise him for something. Just like in any relationship, the best tack to take is: 1) observe; do not engage 2) move on…..
When it comes time to give the same unwanted command again you might want to consider a couple of hugs and rubs first or the promise of a treat after his positive response. If you choose the treat, you might open his favorite bag of treats in his presence so the aroma is released and then simply close the treat in the palm of your hand before giving the command.
If his original sulking behavior was the result of a reprimand, reflect on whether or not he had ever been trained “not” to do what you found him doing. I find it’s always helpful to turn a negative situation into a positive one, so how …read more