If your beloved companion is ill, here is a helpful tip. Despite any information you may be receiving through your senses, see your companion as well and perfect in every way. This thought creates supportive, health-giving energy to support your animal’s natural self-healing capacities, calms any concerns related to your animal friend not feeling well, and gives you a boost so you can go about the practical matters you need to address. Those practical matters include simplifying the diet, ensuring…..
This moving, imaginative effort is certain to strike a chord with animal lovers. From experienced animal rehabilitation therapist Bettejeanne Hammond comes a sweet articulation of the relationship between a human and the dogs whom she lives with, if never quite “owns.” Speaking primarily through the voice of her beloved departed golden Labrador, Ganny, Hammond attempts to capture the highs and lows of her life with six dogs in Ganny’s Journal: A Tale of Human-Animal Kinship. The impetus for Ganny’s journaling…..
Let’s take a look at my recently published book, Ganny’s Journal; A Tale of Human-Animal Kinship. I believe the book will give you a good sense of my commitment to animal well-being. I am a co-author of this humorous and poignant book about a Pack of six dogs and one human—or, if you prefer—a Pack of 24 paws and two feet… You are invited to accompany this Pack on its adventures and see through a dog’s eyes as they strive…..
You may well be saying, “You mean my dog could sulk?” My answer with a smile would be, “Oh my, yes!” It’s nothing to worry about. Dogs, like humans, are capable of a whole range of emotions. If your dog does, on occasion, sulk over some reprimand or unwanted command, your best response is to ignore the behavior and find the next available opportunity to praise him for something. Just like in any relationship, the best tack to take is:…..
I bet the first thing we will all say is, “Take him/her to the vet!!” A good choice without any question, but let’s look further. The vet can take a blood draw and a urine sample, and get a basic read-out on how well the dog’s body is functioning. Great! Most times we get reassuring results and that, of course, eases our concerns. If the results raise questions, we will most likely follow what the vet recommends. Good! Now let’s…..
I want to offer as background that I cook for my dogs and serve them something different at every meal. I do this because I personally prefer to feed unprocessed foods, and I believe a variety of food provides a broader spectrum of nutrition. It’s a personal choice on my part and does not intend in the least to say that there are not good foods out there for your beloved companions. I guess lots of things go through our…..
Do you sometimes wish your beloved companion would just hurry up and get his/her business done? I mean really………I’ve got a schedule to keep here….! Well, the first thing that comes up for me is the stark difference between “scheduled” human life and the beautiful, holistic ability of animals to “live in the present moment”. I must say, the very thought of truly being present to each moment instead of planning and evaluating how well I’m doing in each moment…..
We are unquestionably all busy and trying to carry out our responsibilities as time permits. I know how that feels! Yet I also know how beneficial routine is to aging dogs. Routine creates a re-assuring sense of “rhythm” that offers them physical and emotional support. We can talk about this subject more over time, and I welcome your questions. For now, let me simply suggest that each of us take a good look at how we might manage our available…..
Hi All! Last time we talked about the four elements of a “Structure of Good Health” for our beloved canine companions: 1) Exposing them to new situations that require adaptive social behavior 2) Daily sustained exercise to maintain healthy joints, heart and other muscles, 3) Nutritious and varied fresh foods 4) Good restorative rest. Today we are going to talk about daily “Talk Time”.
Greetings loving animal caregivers! Wouldn’t it be great if the health of our canine furry friends was always good…. particularly in their senior years? There are in fact certain simple things we could do for them that could increase the probability of enjoying their active senior years.