We are unquestionably all busy and trying to carry out our responsibilities as time permits. I know how that feels! Yet I also know how beneficial routine is to aging dogs. Routine creates a re-assuring sense of “rhythm” that offers them physical and emotional support. We can talk about this subject more over time, and I welcome your questions. For now, let me simply suggest that each of us take a good look at how we might manage our available…..
Hi All! Last time we talked about the four elements of a “Structure of Good Health” for our beloved canine companions: 1) Exposing them to new situations that require adaptive social behavior 2) Daily sustained exercise to maintain healthy joints, heart and other muscles, 3) Nutritious and varied fresh foods 4) Good restorative rest. Today we are going to talk about daily “Talk Time”.
Greetings loving animal caregivers! Wouldn’t it be great if the health of our canine furry friends was always good…. particularly in their senior years? There are in fact certain simple things we could do for them that could increase the probability of enjoying their active senior years.